
Great New Stories



Hello everyone!  Meet "Landy Zero", the new superhero on the block.  He's just one of the many characters that I have created in the many great stories I have written for you to enjoy.  I have been writing for many years now and decided to publish some of my stories on Amazon.  If you like Fanstasy and Fiction short stories, then you will most likely like mine.  Young and old alike have read my titles and both have told me to keep on writing.  So the story goes, that I have just done that.  You can purchase any of my titles individually, or you may want to look at some other books that I created that include up to ten of them altogether i.e, "The Short Story Cookbook"  Go to Amazon and type in Robert M de la Torre to view what I have for sale there under the books category.   As always Best to You and Peace Out!

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